
Roseburg Public Schools has transitioned from Peachjar to ParentSquare for the distribution of e-flyers for the 2024-25 school year. E-flyers will be available for staff and families to view through two ParentSquare groups: E-flyers for Elementary Schools and E-flyers for Middle and High Schools. 

To join the E-flyers for Elementary Schools group and view flyers, visit https://www.parentsquare.com/groups/join/lmskvefucw

To join the E-flyers for Middle and High Schools group and view flyers, visit https://www.parentsquare.com/groups/join/kz9nrau7am

Members of these groups will receive notifications when new flyers are posted. Notifications will be sent according to each user's preferred setting, instant or digest mode. Learn how to change your notification settings by visiting https://www.roseburg.k12.or.us/families/parentsquare

Outside organizations may submit e-flyers for consideration to communications@roseburg.k12.or.us. The district will only consider approving e-flyers from Douglas County community groups and organizations that sponsor local activities of an educational/enrichment nature for students.

All flyer submissions must: 

  • Include educational and/or extra-curricular opportunities for students and/or families. 
  • Be in PDF format
  • Be accompanied by a text-only version of all information included in the flyer, to ensure ADA compliance.