Family and School Partnership

The Winchester Elementary staff, students, and parents know that all of us share a partnership for the education of students. We sign the following to emphasize that partnership.

Winchester Elementary Staff is responsible for:

  • Providing a safe atmosphere for learning.
  • Providing appropriate instruction for your child to achieve their full potential.
  • Communicating clear directions for homework.
  • Assisting your child in developing a sense of respect and responsibility.
  • Keeping you informed about your child’s academic and social progress.
  • Welcoming you to be part of our Winchester community of learners.

Families are responsible for:

  • Ensuring my child attends school daily and on time.
  • Providing a time and place for my child to do homework.
  • Ensuring that homework is completed, reviewed, and returned on time.
  • Reinforcing Winchester’s academic and behavior guidelines.
  • Attending parent conferences.

Students are responsible for:

  • Attending school regularly, ready to learn and participate.
  • Coming to school each day with the necessary tools for learning.
  • Completing class work and homework.
  • Showing respect for myself and others.
  • Taking pride in my personal appearance, while following the school dress code.